To create the experiences we want for our children it takes parent involvement!


McKinley Panthers PTA

Who We Are

Who We Are

McKinley PTA is made up of parents, family members, students, teachers, staff, and community member’s who want to make a difference in McKinley students’ education. This group is about getting the work done and are appreciative of anything anyone can do. Come visit a meeting and find out for yourself.

Research shows students do better when their families are involved at home at school.

- Grades are higher

- Test scores rise

- Self-esteem grows

- Schools improve

PTA will help you get connected – there’s no better way to find out what is happening at McKinley. PTA functions are opportunities to form a network of McKinley parents and teachers, build relationships, and discuss issues that are on your mind. PTA can be a way for you to more effectively suggest change at our school by being a part of the solution. By becoming a PTA member, you will be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education.  

Get Connected. Keep up with what is happening at McKinley and how you can support your child's education. There is no better way to stay informed. Sign up for our email list at any meeting or on this website and join our Facebook group!

Speak up. PTA can be a way for you to more effectively suggest change at our school; you’ll be a part of the solution.

Access great resources. Get information on topics ranging from homework help, bullying prevention, media safety, child health and more.

Build relationships. Connect with other families through meetings, events and communications to help build a sense of community, get to know teachers and discuss issues that are on your mind.

Hone your skills. By volunteering with the PTA, you put your skills and hobbies to use for a noble cause – your child and all the children in the community.

Our Principal, Liz Costella, along with the dedicated and talented teachers and staff are devoted to providing our students with the knowledge and information that they need to develop into well-rounded and educated students. They go above and beyond to make sure each child's needs are met. Our teachers and staff are second to none!

Let's support them and our children with the best PTA in Burbank!


Stay in touch

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