To create the experiences we want for our children it takes parent involvement!


McKinley PTA Programs

PTA Programs


2024-2025 PTA Calendar

McKinley PTA offers and supports activities such as the musical, family movie and arts nights, arts education, book fairs, and reading programs.

We provide activities for state and nationally sponsored events like Red Ribbon Week and Earth Week, and participate in the PTA Reflections arts program and International Walk to School Day.  

We host a Las Posadas event, a pumpkin patch, Games with Guardians, College Spirit Day, and Valentine’s Day parties.

BUSES & supplies

McKinley PTA pays for the buses for all of the field trips.

The PTA supports the Accelerated Reader program at McKinley by paying for all of the tests and prizes and purchases clothes for the nurse’s office for children to have if they have an accident or big spill.  

PTA brings treats to the students on the first Friday of school and pays for books to stock classrooms.


PTA sends a low-income student to camp every summer through the Burbank Coordinating Council Campership Program and pays for a representative to go a Legislative Conference. The PTA donates $500 every year to the scholarship fund.