To create the experiences we want for our children it takes parent involvement!

About Our School

About William McKinley Elementary

William McKinley was built in 1928 and has a strong tie with the community. We have students whose parents and even grandparents attended McKinley. Staff members are faithful McKinley supporters with long, dedicated tenures. McKinley serves over 400 students from kindergarten through fifth grade and includes TK and Spanish Immersion programs. McKinley's school population of students is comprised of a rich mixture of language and cultural backgrounds. Our staff values language diversity and speaks many languages. Many members of our staff speak two or more languages. McKinley is a Title I school. Our families who fall within that category receive free or reduced lunches. McKinley's mission "We Deliver" grew from the diverse backgrounds and needs of our students. Budgets and programs reflect these special needs.

McKinley was honored as a California Distinguished School and a California Exemplary Arts School in 2020. Our school has a reputation for excellence and has shown exceptional academic progress. A strong and caring staff provides a rigorous standards-based curriculum as well as leadership training through Student Council. Parents and families support the school and children through volunteering in classrooms and for field trips, by assisting with homework, and participating in parent groups (School Site Council, PTA, and English Learner Advisory Committee). A weekly bilingual memo keeps parents informed of special events such as PTA Family Nights, Important Dates, and the monthly Panther Pride/Honors Assembly. The business community provides broad support. We have received trees on the playground from Warner Brothers, weekly tutoring from the Walt Disney Company and the LA Times, school supplies and encouragement from Providence St. Joseph employees, award breakfast from the Burbank Community Federal Credit Union and grants from the city of Burbank to improve the playground with new equipment and a grass field.

McKinley students are well behaved and demonstrate respect for each other and for adults who are assisting them. Many special opportunities are available for McKinley students: English Language Development, Gifted and Talented, Special Education, a PC computer lab for all students, the Accelerated Reader Program, the Spanish Dual Immersion program, Spring Dance and Holiday Performances.

Visitors are welcome to attend Back to School Night in August and Open House in May. Contact the main office for tours.

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